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[생활영어] 설명하다 - 영어로 " Shed light on " A : Hey, are you planning to attend the special lecture given by Mr, Tom? I think it's going to be helpful B : Yeah, I'm definitely going. I heard that he's going to shed light on some current geopolitical issues in East Asia A : Sounds interesting. I can't wait - 해석 - A : 저기, 톰씨의 특별 강연 들을 계획 있어? 도움이 될 것 같아. B : 응, 당연히 가야지. 그가 현재 동아시아의 지정학적인 문제들에 대해 설명할 거라고 들었어. A : 흥미롭네. 빨리 가고.. 2017. 4. 16.
[생활영어] 짜증 나게 하다 - 영어로 " Get under one's skin " A : How was the business trip with Tom? Did everything go smoothly? B : Most of it went well. I don't like his attitude, though. He acts lke he's my boss, and it really gets under my skin. A : Yeah, he's really condescending. The best thing to do is to keep your distnce when possible. - 해석 - A : 톰과 갔던 출장은 어땠어? 잘 진행 됐어? B : 대부분 잘 진행됐어. 그의 태도는 마음에 안들지만... 그는 마치 내 상사인것 처럼 행.. 2017. 4. 16.
[생활영어] 여러 정보로 결론을 도출하다 - 영어로 " Connect the dots " A : So, what did you want to talk to me about? It sounds like something important B : It's good news. I'm pregnant! My due date is in July. A : Congratulations! Actually, though, I kind of already knew. You haven't been drinking and you've been throwing up in the mornings I connected the dots. - 해석 - A : 그래서 하고 싶은 말이 뭐야? 뭔가 중요한거 같던데. B : 좋은 소식이야. 나 임신했어! 출산 예정일은 7월이야. A : 축하.. 2017. 3. 22.
[생활영어]말이 튀어나오다 / 실수로 말하다 - 영어로 " Slip out " A : Did you tell everyone that Jessica and I are in a relationship? Be Honest. B : Well, actually I did, but look. I didn't mean to. It just slipped out! A : Oh my god! I thought I could trust you with my secrets. How could you do this to me! - 해석 - A : 너 제시카랑 나랑 사귀는거 말했어? 솔직히 말해 B : 음, 사실 그랬어, 근데 있잖아. 일부러 그런거 아니야. 그냥 말이 튀어나왔어. A : 오 맙소사! 나는 너가 비밀을 지킬거라 믿었는데 어떻게 나한테 그럴 수 있어? * 출저 : .. 2017. 3. 8.
[생활영어] 아픈 곳 건드리지마 / 기운을 내다 - 영어로 " Don't touch my sore spot / Snap out of it " A : I don't understant why David is still so upset about the break-up. He should snap out of it. B : Just like you did after breaking up with Gina? It only took you, what, 6 months? A : Hey! Don't touch my sore spot. Don't bring it up. - 해석 - A : 데이비드가 왜 이별에 그렇게 아직 화가났는지 이해를 못하겠어. 그는 기운을 내야 해. B : 지나와 헤어지고 나서 너 처럼 말이야? 얼마였더라? 6개월은 걸렸지? A : 야! 아픈 곳 건드.. 2017. 1. 31.
[생활영어] 소외감을 느끼다 / 어울리지 못하다 - 영어로 " Feel left out / Not mingle " A : Should we really invite James and Dorothy to the Party? I think both of them are so introverted that they might not mingle much B : What are you talking about? Of course we should invite them. Do you want them to feel left out? A : Absolutely not! I'm just worried about them not enjoying the party - 해석 - A : 제임스와 도로시를 파티에 정말 초대해야 할까? 둘다 내성적이라서 잘 어울리지 못할 것 같아. B.. 2017. 1. 25.
[생활영어] 신경쓸 일은 아니야 / 관여하고 싶지 않아 / 냉정하다 - 영어로 " It's none of my business / Stay out of / Harsh " A : Hey, can I talk to you for a second? I know that it's none of my business but you were too harsh with Jake last night. B : What? you don't know anything about me and him. Can you just drop it? A : Honestly, I want to stay out of the whole thing. But as a close friend of yours, I also want to help you - 해석 - A : 저기, 잠시 이야기 할 수 있어? 내가 신경쓸일은 아니.. 2017. 1. 12.
[생활영어] 짜증을 내는/짜증이 많다 - 영어로 " Cranky " A : Hello. This is Mark from Tech Support. Can I speak to Ms. Lee? B : Hi, Mark. This is Jane. I'll put you through to her right away. Just so you know, she's quite cranky today. I think she didn't ge enough sleep last night. A : Thanks for the heads-up, Jane. - 해석 - A : 안녕하세요. 기술 지원팀 마크입니다. 이씨와 이야기할 수 있을까요? B : 안녕하세요. 마크. 제인이에요. 바로 그녀와 연결해 드릴게요. 당신도 알다시피, 오늘 그녀가 좀 짜증이 많아요. A : 경고해 줘서.. 2017. 1. 11.
[생활영어] Settle on(~ 을 정하다) - 예시 " Settle on " 오늘은 재미있는 표현이 아니네요...ㅠ A : I heard from James that you guys are planning to go on a trip together. Have you decided which country to visit? B : No, we haven't settled on a destination yet. We're going to get together tonight to talk about it. A : Okay. Well, wherever you go, I hope you have a nice time A : 제임시로부터 너희들 같이 여행갈 계획하고 있다고 들었어 어디 나라로 갈지 결정했어? B : 아니, 아직 목적지를 정하지 않았어 오늘 밤에 .. 2017. 1. 9.
[생활영어] 소름돋는다/ 기타 등등 / 대체로 - 영어로 "소름돋는다" - get goosebumps - Ex) I get goosebumps from head to toe! 머리부터 발끝까지 소름돋았어 "기타 등등" - and so on - Ex) I like apples, potatoes, melons and so on. 나는 사과, 감자, 메론 기타 등등 좋아한다. "대체로" - all in all - Ex) All in all, there is bustling 대체로 거긴 북적거린다. 2017. 1. 9.